Discovering your passion and finding truly enjoyable work can be incredibly challenging. If you, like many others out there, are you looking for fulfillment from your career, considering a career change, or feel like you’re simply “phoning it in” each day at work, it’s time to take serious action.
Feelings of being blocked and unfulfilled typically arise from a flaw in your mindset. At Kinisi, we specialize in helping you retrain your brain, and our combined experience spans almost two decades. We help you explore options, discover what you really want, find that new career, or make whatever changes are necessary for you.
Kínisi Career Coaching helps you take your career to the next level:
Kínisi career coaching and mentorship has been proven effective and has helped hundreds of people create career paths and develop necessary skillsets. We provide you the tools for landing the ideal job.
Kinisi Physical Movement coaching addresses the core problem – not just treats the symptoms - and stops the mindset that is holding you back.
Life Coaching
The Kínisi life coaching program will help you get movement on the best outcome for you, create a plan, and take action.
Career Coaching
Kínisi career coaching and mentorship is proven effective. We help create career paths and help you develop necessary skillsets to land your ideal job.
Exec/Leadership Coaching
Our goal is to get you moving forward to face challenges confidently. Leadership coaching and mentoring is key to the next level of success.